While creating this blog, I'm currently at university studying for my Masters Degree in Finance. In order to make ends meet and gain some valuable working-experience for the future, I'm also working part-time at a logistics company. There it is my job to organize medical emergency transports. Since I have just been told that my working contract won't be renewed after February 2020, you can already expect some posts about finding and applying for a new job in the future.
I moved into my first apartment with one of my best friends a little over a year ago. At that point I realized that keeping up an apartment and also juggling work and uni is a lot and that - contrary to what I always told my parents - I did not know about all the struggles that come with living on your own.
Basically, what I am trying to say at this point: as a young adult I have stumbled upon problems, enjoyed the new freedom that living by yourself brings you, and picked up a couple tips and tricks along the way already. But let's face it, as a 23-year-old adult, I will encounter a number of problems and struggles in the future. And as I assume - and sincerely hope - I am not the only one trying to master young adulthood, I would love to share my experiences with you guys. So that I can maybe help you with similar problems, or simply learn from tips and comments that you will hopefully leave on my posts.
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